Tips ( hotels platform)

List your most important needs

This list will help you identify all your needs and priorities before traveling, and will save you effort and time, and you must also specify in this list all your financial expenses, the activities you want to do during your trip, and the places you want to visit. Keep all travel papers and documents It is essential to keep all necessary and supporting documents and documents in a safe place without losing any of them, including your travel ticket and entry visa. We also advise keeping legal copies of all these documents, to be used in case the original documents are lost, thus avoiding losing money or canceling the trip.

Avoid overloading

One of the most common mistakes in preparing bags is to take more than your requirements in anticipation of their need during the trip, which negatively affects your trip as excessive loads will hinder your movement, as well as your fear of losing your belongings, in addition to that you will have a problem in exceeding the permissible weight, so make sure to Prepare your bags a few days before traveling, and take only what you need.

distinguish your bag

The similarity of bags makes them late in receiving them or even the possibility of them being lost at the airport from which your plane departed. Therefore, it is preferable to distinguish it either with a colored tape, or a sticker, or choose a distinctive bag color that can be easily distinguished from the rest of the bags.


wear comfortable clothes


Wearing comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes will avoid the trouble of the flight, because you will walk a lot from entering the airport until boarding the plane. It will also give you comfort on the plane when sleeping or sitting for long hours on the plane seat.